We celebrated Climate Action Week in our school From the 30th of September until the 4th of October. The boys and girls really enjoyed this week and were reminded of the importance of our climate and how we can look after it. We orgnaised different activities for each day. We had Meat Free Monday in which the children were given the opportunity to make their own meat free wraps for lunch. Turn off Tuesday in which each class turned off all appliances that require electricity for 1 hour during the day. We had our Walk on Wednesday where the children were given the opportunity to join our "Human Bus" as we all walked to school together. The children also took part in a nature scavenger hunt in which they could explore our school grounds and explore the new biodiversity areas in our school. Throw out Thursday where the children were reminded of the importance of recycling and how we can recycle and compost materials in our school. We finished with Film Friday in which the children were given the opportunity to reflect on our week and engage with a film about the importance of looking after our environment.
We had a very busy week, have a look at some of our highlights from each day in our video.